Educational Management System

Welcome to School Management System Express. Online school management system is a fully featured, secure web based school management system with great support.Multiple user attendance like teachers & students. Teachers can make attendance for student and see report of every student attendance Multiple Type Student attendance day wise, Subject wise.Complete Library management system integrated with the system so that librarian can manage library books easily.Privileged users can set academic year/session and can manage them easily.Administrator can manage system every settings options from this module, like payment settings, sms settings, system settings and many more…


Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget

Role & Permission

Unlimited User Role and Permission to assign user roles


Multiple Advanced charts for account, users, payments, income and many more..

Student information

Manage and track all students information

Teacher information

Manage and track all teachers information

User Management

Complete user management with role and permission assignment

Online Payment

PayPal, Stripe & PayUmoney integrated with the management system

Grading System

Their is a advanced grading system integrated in our system

Exam Management

Exam settings, grade, mark, schedule and Exam attendance can be manage via our exam management system

Mark Manage

Advanced Marking system for users so that they can give and manage marks very smoothly

Academic Settings

Users can manage class, section, routine, subject & all academic matter from academic section


Teachers can make assignment for student and manage them smoothly


Multiple user attendance like teachers & students. Teachers can make attendance for student and see report of every student attendance Multiple Type Student attendance day wise, Subject wise.

Account, Invoice & Payments

Privileged users can manage invoice & payments

school management system for all types or educational insttitutions like schools and colleges.

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